
Chemical Dosing System

Purita Water / Products / Chemical Dosing System

Chemical Dosing System

The cooling system operation directly affects reliability, efficiency, and cost of any industrial, institutional, or power industry process. Monitoring and maintaining control of corrosion, deposition, microbial growth, and system operation is essential to provide the optimize Total Cost of Operation. The first step to achieve minimum it is selecting an appropriate treatment program and operating conditions to minimize system stresses.


The following four problems are normally associated with cooling water systems.


Manufacturing of common metals used in cooling systems, such as mild steel, involves removing oxygen from the natural ore. Cooling water systems are an ideal environment for the reversion of the metal to the original oxide state. This reversion process is called corrosion.


Minerals such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and magnesium silicate are relatively insoluble in water and can precipitate out of the water to form scale deposits when exposed to conditions commonly found in cooling water systems.


The deposition of suspended material in heat exchange equipment is called fouling. Foulants can come from external sources such as dust around a cooling tower or internal sources such as by-products of corrosion.


Cooling water systems provide an ideal environment for microbial organisms to grow, multiply, and cause deposit problems in heat exchange equipment. Microbial growth can strongly influence corrosion, fouling, and scale formation, if not controlled properly.


If not properly controlled, these problems can have a direct, negative impact on the value of the entire process or operation. Examples of problems that corrosion, deposition, and biological fouling can create are as follows:

  • Increased maintenance cost
  • Equipment repair or replacement cost
  • More frequent shutdowns for cleaning and replacement of system components
  • Reduced heat transfer efficiency and therefore reduced energy efficiency of the process being cooled
  • Increased fuel costs for power generation plants
  • Increased energy consumption by refrigeration chillers
  • Possible product yield reduction or even plant shutdown
  • Product quality problems and increased product rework
  • Environmental compliance problems
  • Increased greenhouse gas emissions due to higher energy use


Cooling Water problem can be kept in check with the use of suitable chemicals i.e corrosion & scale inhibitor, oxidizing biocide and non – oxidizing biocides. It is administered into water streams with the help of an electro-mechanical chemical dosing system.


  • Customized as per end user application
  • Plug & Play System
  • Available in Manual, Semi – Manual and Auto Operation
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