
Swimming Pool Water Disinfection

Purita Water / Applications / Swimming Pool Water Disinfection

Swimming Pool Water Treatment

Water disinfection is one of the key treatments of swimming pool water apart from filtration.

The main purpose of swimming pool water disinfection is to kill the bacteria, viruses and algae of pool water and in the meantime to prevent swimmers' occurrence of cross infection. Conventionally, we have seen chlorine tablets / bleach being used as disinfectant in swimming pool water disinfection which is not very good as excess dosage will lead to skin / eye sensation issues and lower dosage will lead to poor micro-organism prevention causing foul smell and unhygienic condition.

Also, studies have shown that, the use of chlorine in swimming pool treatment produces health hazards by products, i.e chloramines and THM’s which is responsible for eye, ear and throat irritation as well as the presence of strong “chlorine” odour. Certain viruses, amoebae and cysts are also not inactivated at the chemical levels normally used for pool water treatment.

PURITA offers their premium range of products in the area of Swimming pool water disinfection;

  • TERSUS® Chlorine Dioxide [CLO2] System
  • TERSUS® Electro-chlorination [ECP] System
  • TERSUS® UV System
  • TERSUS® Ozone System

These systems are equipped with smart control device with touch screen for automated control of dosing as per water quality and requirement. All the required accessories / instruments and sensors required for fully automatic function of water disinfection is offered as per customer’s choice.

As a one stop solution, PURITA can take up complete treatment of water including filtration to offer a single stop solution for Swimming Pool Water Disinfection.

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